Commitment to our clients

Our commitment

At Precision Drilling, we pride ourselves on our ability to establish and maintain good relationships with our clients.

The project outcomes of our clients are our primary focus. All drilling is conducted strictly to individual specifications.

Precision Drilling’s commitment to excellence includes maintaining a ‘safety-first’ culture and a high standard of professionalism within our field crews.

Our supervising drillers assist with logistics management, to capture all safety compliance data, and the submission of all required reporting in a timely fashion.

Management also travels to the sites regularly to oversee drilling projects and to communicate with on-site staff, allowing us to maintain a proactive, hands-on approach to each contract.

Managing Director, Mathew Feeney has begun growing the company at a sustainable rate to ensure it never loses its client-centered focus. Our approach is the foundation of Precision Drilling’s reputation for exceptional quality and service.

Get in touch

With experience in all aspects of Exploration, Geotechnical, Environmental drilling, and Hydro and Water Well Drilling, we are here to look after our clients in a professional, ethical, and reliable manner, while maintaining safe, environmentally responsible practices.

Reach out to discuss your next project.